Communication & IT Projects

With my interest in communications and previous commitment to a Local Independant Inshore Rescue Service, I've led a number of projects to improve out IT and Communications Systems over the years.

The Services coverage includes many creeks and inlets, as well as portsmouth harbour, not to mention the Solent which is the UK's second busiest waterway, meaning the communications systems need to be reliable and efficent to both ensure the safety of the crews, the timely and efficent response to incidents and ultimatley the safety of the all the other users.

I've designed and installed several systems to enhance the communications capabilities of the service and these are detailed on the project links to the left.


My IT Projects are a result of my interest in Computers and all thinks electronic, I am a great fan of Ubiquiti Equipment and use this for the majority of home network and also for my portable system due to its versatility.


My Most recent project over 2020 - 2021 has been with the cadets i volunteer at as an instructor in creating a video conferencing suite so we can deliver online training during the COVID Pandemic more details on this page

  • Cadet Virtual Learning
  • Why Projects?

    Much of the project work i do is to learn and increase my knowledge, being involved with voluntary groups for many years, I commit to trying to achieve the best i can for them utilising my skills, time and knowledge, to help them achieve their aims, My methodoly is to research, to ask those who know more, and to communicate to achieve these results.

    It's also a hobby that i enjoy and it benefits others, which makes the hobby more intersting.